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  • Writer's pictureMichael Nielsen

The 1000 Km Challenge with Luke Clark (#18)

Updated: Jan 30, 2023

Have you ever created a challenge for yourself that you thought would never be achievable? This is exactly what my guest Luke Clark did with his 1000 km in 100 day challenge.

Having lived with anxiety and depression since his teenage years and bottling up his mental illnesses for his whole adult and life, Luke decided to set up ‘The Stress Sessions’ podcast and Instagram page (@StressSessions) in 2020 to talk about his experiences and how he has coped to try and help out others.

Since then, he has hosted the likes of DJ and presenter Pat Sharp, singer and actor Suzanne Shaw, former footballer Jermaine Pennant, comedians Matt Ricardson and Mark Watson, and James Corden’s sisters, Ruth and Ange amongst other guests, to break down the stigmas surrounding mental illness and get people taking.

He is currently running 1,000 kilometres in 100 days to help support the charities who have helped him with his own struggles over the years, Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) and Survivors UK.

His 100th and final run is scheduled for Saturday 10 September in central London.

Link for donations at Just Giving

Episode Highlights:

  • Luke talks about what the motivation was to start his 1000 km in 100 day challenge.

  • Luke gives two tips that has helped him keep motivated throughout the challenge, which any runner can use on their own personal running journey.

  • Luke shares 2 key areas of his own health that he believes has greatly impacted him with keeping up with his 10 km a day challenge.

  • Luke shares how running has been able to support and help with his own mental health journey, and is a advocate how you can also do the same

Listen In: Spotify

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